Used by The Underground Railroad (TV series) The Underground Railroad is an upcoming American historical fiction drama web television limited series directed by Barry Jenkins based on the novel of the same name by Colson Whitehead. The series is set to premiere on Amazon Video. Made by D.D. Miller , circa 1860s Small onion sized fixed globe. Brass top wristlet . Condition is as bought from the Movie studio . Prop paint on the frame and globe left as is . Magnets glued to the bottom for something they used it for in the series. Black out tape used in the lower vent holes. Screen used Condition. Actual collector Condition is just Fair, Has light pitting under the paint , some deterioration to wristlet connecting strap , but still holds. Globe is crack free. Fount is obviously not for the frame but have left as is from the Movie studio. ** has not been oil tested **
D.D. Miller Onion fixed globe ( movie studio prop screen used)